Thursday, 26 November 2015

Kim Kardashian revealed that her baby is under siege:

Kim Kardashian West, LACMA

Baby Kim Kardashian already acting up even before being born.
Indeed, the star of E! revealed Tuesday that her baby was in breech position. A situation that was not presented during her first pregnancy.

"I got a reason regarding my placenta problems and I was not thinking too much lately. What worries me now is that the baby is in breech position, which can compromise childbirth, "she wrote on her website. "His head is always up when it should be at the bottom. It was supposed to be returned before 32 th week. Looks like I'm going to have a caesarean."
But perhaps that things will not go that far. Kim also explained she had done some research and she was doing everything possible "to the baby turns."
"I'm doing a headstand three times a day for 15 minutes. I play music where his head should be and I put ice on my belly in some places to change his position. I started making acupuncture, I burn moxa on my little toe every day! I'll even try hypnosis! "
Fortunately, Kim says his doctor, Paul Crane, is one of the few still practicing obstetricians breech deliveries. However, she says: 'If it is an emergency and in the interest of my son, I will be having a caesarean section. But if it is not necessary, I prefer without. ''
Kim is expecting next month, and according to his post, the baby weighs 3.2 kg.Although she admits to being nervous, she is discreet and currently recovering from a cold with North West.
"Sick in bed ... Me & my Northie" said she posted on Twitter.
We hope that mother and daughter will recover quickly and little brother turns fast!

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