Thursday, 25 February 2016


THE-FVTURE interviews PEARL JONATHAN an upcoming artiste who started music at Age 17 with stage name PEARLIEO musically sound and lyrically dope, and also a model currently signed into FVTURE FASHION HOUSE. Here she talks about the challenges faced and her secret to success.

FVTURE: What age did you begin music?Pearlieo: I started music at the age of 17. 

FVTURE: What were the challenges you faced back then ?
Pearlieo: I faced so many challenges though.

FVTURE : Can you name them ? 
Pearlieo: Well from the start my parents didn't support my chosen field,for any artist or entertainer if you don't have the support of your family especially that of ur mom and dad, you'd feel so discouraged and challenged ...the rest are usual problems with most upcoming arts,being finance,platform,etc.

FVTURE: How did you tackle those challenges ? 
Pearlieo: All I can say is its God's grace ,however you can never completely be free of problems or challenges,so I keep God in all my affairs,and I worked and still work extremely hard on my part too..#laughs 

FVTURE: Who in the music industry do you wanna be like / look up to ? 
Pearlieo: thats big ,because I appreciate all our artistes,love their varieties of styles,creativity and ermm,I  look up to few of them as role models tho but mentioning just one is enough I guess....ok' I respect and admire Chidinma aka Mz kedike .and as for who i'd wanna be like,you know I have a big problem with mediocrity,so i'd say I wanna be the higher version of all the whole female artistes put together. #laughs hard 

FVTURE : Do you copy their style of music or you just doing your own thing ? 
Pearlieo: Well..I'm doing a genre called afro-pop,but I believe my voice and style differs.. 

FVTURE: if you were to perform on stage with someone already in the music industry.who would you choose and why ? 
Pearlieo:...oshaay! Id say Patoranking, because he's unique,I love his style and think we'd connect.

FVTURE : Nice one! So have you ever performed before on stage. And where ? 
Pearlieo: yes of course,and on different lagos I performed @ an african china's show,where I performed alongside African china,2 shot and many other artistes,I also recently performed@ cool fm's show @a venue in Vi ,performed alongside mavins reekado banks,Victoria kimani,jumabee and some other artistes,also.

FVTURE : Your last song tilted "sugar" tell us more about it. 
Pearlieo: hmmm,the inspiration of the song sughar came from everywhere, the producer at that time just said pearlieo listen to this beat I want you to work with it, see if you like it,and the moment I heard the beat I was like mehn this beat is Sugar I love it..he asked me to freestyle I did.. he loved it, then I went home to write on it,the beat won my heart big time..

FVTURE:What inspired your new track MY BAE IS THE BEST?
Pearlieo: I was inspired by lovee.. yaay! I intentionally did the song against the valentine season, so it was inspired by real love..#covers face.

FVTURE: I guess you are in love then. 
Pearlieo: yes i'm in love..  

FVTURE: so what is it like being an artiste, model and also a video vixen?
Pearlieo: My brother, in 2baba's be small tin can be very tasking,challenging,but what can I say,there's no fun in living without challenges,and I learn either ways and enjoy it as an occupation #smiles.  

FVTURE: Which is more challenging ; doing music, modelling or video vixen ?
Pearlieo: All are challenging in their specs,but music has been more challenging to me.     

FVTURE: what agency or people have you modelled for or worked with?
Pearlieo: Not really been a signed model until recently I got signed into The Fvture Fashion House, but before then ive worked with Glamour models, Aice photography, phat2syn photography, and some few Fashion houses I wouldn't wanna mention,#smiles.

FVTURE: At what year did you start modelling ? 
Pearlieo:  2012

FVTURE: What where the challenges when you started out ? 
Pearlieo: My lack of experience in the field was my major challenge.

FVTURE: What has been your secret to success?  
Pearlieo; The energy and inspiration I get daily after talking to my bestie,#smiles.

FVTURE: your best friend hmmmm! Who's she/he. Pearlieo; na baba God oo.  

FVTURE: To those upcoming artiste just like you still striving to make it; any words of encouragement. 
Pearlieo: Honestly the only truth is be FOCUSED,because when you focused youd be consistent,determined,fierce,and daring to always take that next bold step,don't be afraid of failing and always stay prayed_up most importantly,thank you.

FVTURE: So lastly Do you wanna give a shoutout to anyone; maybe fans, family members etc
Pearlieo: ok  im sending shout outs to everyone that's been part of my life from scratch till date,I love y'all for making me 'ME..#smiles

              Photography by: @tobi_skillful


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