Thursday 8 October 2015

NEWS: Rihanna opens up about her breakup with Chris Brown

Rihanna, Vanity Fair

There's Rihanna you see in the media and the real Rihanna. Attention spoiler: they are not the same people.

The star of 27 years spoke about many topics during his interview with Vanity Fairfor the November issue, including (but not only) love life when one is famous, his rejection of one-night adventures and consequences of his infamous attack byChris Brown in 2009, their reunion and their final separation.
"I was that girl," she explains to the magazine. "This girl who thinks that despite the painful nature of the relationship, some are stronger than others. Maybe I am one that can endure this kind of thing. I may be the guardian angel of that person, at her side when she is weak, when she does not understand the world around her, when she needs to be encouraged in a positive way and hear the right words. "    
RiRi admits why she returned with Breezy after the attack is that it thought he could change it.
"At 100%. I am very protective. I found that people did not understand. Even after ... But you know, I later realized that in this situation, you are the enemy. You want that it is better for them, but if you remind them of their failures or bad times of their lives, if you say you are prepared to accept certain things, they lose their respect for you. They know you do not deserve what they have to give. "
She continues: "And if you agree, perhaps you admit you deserve That is when I finally said.". Oh, oh, I was stupid to think I could endure that, "Sometimes the only solution is to leave. "
Rihanna explains: "I do not hate him I will keep him until I die We are neither friends nor enemies, we do not really have relationships now...."
The young woman explained that Brown was his last real boyfriend, and although it would be spoiled for choice, Rihanna says she is not a fan of one-night stands.
"If I wanted to [have sex with someone for fun], I would," she said. "I will do what makes me happy, what I want to do. But it would not make sense to me, it would be irrelevant. I would wake up the next day regretting it."
"When you love someone, it's different," she continues. "Even if it is not really love, but that you value them, and they to you, you know they do not miss you respect. This is my respect for myself. "
The beautiful Barbados speaks of the loving dynamic these days, noting that many men are afraid to be courteous for fear of seeming too "weak" to their friends and she is not ready to concessions for a man who would have a false idea of ​​masculinity.
"That's why I sleep with someone and I do not really have a relationship," she said, "because I do not want to feel guilty the next day. I need sex, I am human, I am a woman, I want sex. But what am I supposed to do? Take the first comer who seems to be fine for one night and wake up the next day feeling drained emotionally? He a story and I'm here ... what am I doing? I can not inflict me. I can not. In part because of the celebrity and partly because of the woman I am . That's what saves me. "
Anyway, Rihanna remains confident that she will find someone the right time comes. And it is not the right time.
She explained to the magazine that the man she needs will be "a true gentleman, with great patience, which happen when I least expect it. I do not want that yet. I can not be the center interest someone. Not at this point in my life. "

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